CBF Momentum PLUS Signup


Momentum Membership @ $499/mo + Monthly 1:1 Coaching Call $250/mo

You understand that...

  • ​You are making a commitment to the CBF Momentum PLUS program for at least 12 months. Then in month 13, you can downgrade to Momentum without the 1:1 monthly coaching, or cancel without penalty with 30 days written advance notice to service@debbiesardone.com.
  • ​​Your monthly fee is your monthly Momentum membership charge PLUS the monthly fee for coaching, payable in one easy auto-payment.
  • ​​​It is your responsibility to schedule your 1:1 monthly coaching calls with the CBF Coach of your choice. Your 1:1 coaching sessions are use them or lose them. Make-ups for missed coaching sessions may only be requested in the rare case of a true emergency and based on the availability of the chosen coach.


Debbie Sardone Consulting, LLC 2022  www.debbiesardone.com
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